What does positive behaviour look like at Holy Cross?
As a school we are firmly intent on setting high expectations and maximising achievement. Anything less than good behaviour gets in the way of this and as such is unacceptable. The school provides a safe and supportive environment where children are encouraged to learn and be caring and respectful to others in an atmosphere of politeness and mutual respect. Good behaviour is the norm and is supported by clear expectations, praise, rewards and pride in contributing to the common good.
As with all achievement at school, good behaviour is more easily achieved and sustained with the support of parents and carers. We are committed to working with families and their children to provide the highest quality education based on partnerships inspired by shared values and beliefs.
This whole school policy will give consistency and security to the pupils as they move from class to class and share clear expectations with parents. The school has a number of rules but our behaviour policy is not primarily concerned with rule enforcement; it is a means of promoting good relationships so that people can work together with the common purpose of helping everyone to learn.
Behaviour refers to behaviour on the school site, on trips and visits and to any behaviour on the internet and associated technologies which impacts on others in the school community.
Our expectations are embodied in the Holy Cross Values and we expect all of the school community – parents, children, staff, Governors and visitors – to support them.
It is when a child has good self - esteem that he or she learns best. Our behaviour and discipline philosophy recognises this and the school's behaviour policy aims to:
•Give clear expectations and consistent rewards and sanctions.
•Teach children how to show positive behaviour and make the right choices.
•Reward and promote good behaviour, self-discipline and respect.
•Provide a calm and caring ethos, where learning is valued by pupils, staff and parents.
•Apply all rules fairly and positively and follow procedures consistently.
•Challenge inappropriate behaviour and provide strategies to ensure that the required standards of behaviour are met.
Pupils are expected to:
•Be responsible for their own actions.
•Show respect for each other, the staff, and their learning environment.
•Promote the good reputation of the school in the community, remembering that the school behaviour policy applies to behaviour when walking to and from school and on all activities that take place off site.
• Actively support each other and report all incidents of disrespectful and aggressive behaviour to a staff member
Parents are expected to:
•Support the school's Behaviour Policy and sign the Home-School Agreement (Appendix 1)
•Reinforce the message by talking regularly to their child/children about behaviour in school and accepting the use of sanctions where appropriate.
•Encourage respect for their child’s school, staff and their child’s peers.
•Show respect and support for the school's behaviour strategies.
•Support the school concerning their child's behaviour.
•Keep the school informed about any issues that might affect their child’s work or behaviour.
Members of staff are expected to:
•Model high standards of presentation, respect and behaviour and follow the school’s Code of Conduct.
•Respect children and listen to their views without discrimination.
•Encourage pupils to make positive choices and apply any corrective measures in a sensitive and private manner.
•Establish and maintain clear and consistent expectations and boundaries.
•Encourage self-motivation and independence.
•Promote self-esteem and self-respect.
•Celebrate children’s efforts and achievement.
•Provide an appropriately challenging and varied curriculum.
•Maintain a well organised learning environment.
•Adhere to behaviour and discipline procedures.
•Seek support from the Senior Leadership Team to help with more challenging situations.