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Holy Cross Catholic

Primary School

Building relationships with God and each other,
working hard in faith and hope to give our best in all things.

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Building relationships with God and each other,
working hard in faith and hope to give our best in all things.

Secondary Transfer

Applying for a secondary school place

If your child was born between 1 September 2013 and 31 August 2014, you must apply for their secondary school place between 1 September 2024 and 31 October 2024.


Applications received after the closing date are treated as late applications. This means there will be far less chance of your child being offered a place at the school you want.

Our admissions timetable shows you when to apply, and when you can find out your offer. More information on the application process is given in our school admissions brochure. Our page of download documents and forms also includes supplemental forms for religious schools.


You should complete your application in good time to have the best chance of getting a place at a school you would like your child to attend.

Apply online or return to your application

By applying online you will:

  • get an email acknowledgement of your application
  • be able to check which school place has been offered from 1 March 2024




Late applications

Any application received after the closing date will be treated as a late application. Thurock process late applications only after they have processed all the on-time applications. This means there will be far less chance of your child being offered a place at the school you want.


If you have already applied online you will not be able to make another application. Contact Thurrock if you feel you need to make another application, or to send evidence that your application was late due to exceptional circumstances.

Transfer to Catholic Secondary Education

Please click on links below to check out our local Catholic Secondary Schools
