Medical Needs
Please find below the school’s policy on ‘Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions’
In keeping with this policy, if your child has a serious/chronic long term condition such as diabetes, epilepsy, sickle cell disease, childhood cancers or other conditions or a serious allergy, it is likely they will be subject to an Individual Healthcare Plan. Certain other children such as those with severe asthma may also require a plan.
However, part of this policy is relevant to all pupils and families:
- Medicines should be prescribed in dose frequencies which enable them to be taken outside school hours. We will therefore only administer medicines when absolutely necessary decided on an individual basis. If a parent/carer feels it is absolutely necessary for a child to receive medication during the school day, the parent/carer is always welcome to come into school to administer the dosage.
- Children for whom we are likely to agree to administer medicines include children with long term medical needs including sickle cell disease, diabetes, epilepsy, asthma, severe allergies and occasionally medicines prescribed by GPs that have to be given during the daytime and when parent/carer is unable to come in to administer them.
- No medication may be brought into school and left in a child’s bag; all medication must be handed by a parent/carer to an adult in the office
- No medication can be administered without the Med1 form being completed and signed by a parent (you can download this form from our website); this includes painkillers, cough sweets, cough medicine
- The school will complete a medication chart as per appendices of the policy to record what has been administered (in keeping with the Med1) and by whom
- Children will never be given medicine containing aspirin unless prescribed by a doctor.
- All medication must be in its original, labelled packaging
Unfortunately, we have had incidences where parents have given their child a paracetamol/cough medicine to take into school ‘in case they needed it later’- this is highly dangerous and totally unacceptable due to the risks to that individual child and any other who may find the loose tablet/medication if it was dropped!
Parents are asked to take particular notice of the expectations of parents as part of this policy:
- should ensure that their child is fit enough to attend school
- should keep any child who is acutely unwell at home
- should provide the school with sufficient and up to date information about their child’s medical condition and any treatment and special care needed at school.
- should be involved in the development and review of their child’s IHCP and may be involved in its drafting.
- should carry out any action they have agreed to as part of its implementation, e.g. provide medicines and equipment and ensure they or another nominated adult are contactable at all times.
- should remind the class teacher of the need to take the relevant medicines on all school trips