French Knowledge and Skills Progression
Year 3 |
Year 4 |
Year 5 |
Year 6 |
Listening |
Chn will be able to: Understand a few familiar spoken words and phrases - e.g. the teacher’s instructions |
Chn will be able to: Understand a range of familiar spoken phrases - e.g. |
Chn will be able to: Understand the main points from a short spoken passage made up of familiar language in simple sentences. - e.g. |
Chn will be able to:
announcement or message. |
Speaking |
Chn will be able to: Say and repeat single words and short simple phrases – e.g.
saying what the weather is like |
Chn will be able to: Answer simple questions and give basic information – e.g.
Chn will be able to: Ask and answer simple questions and talk about their interests - e.g.
Chn will be able to:
picture or part of a story; making a presentation to the class … |
Reading: |
Chn will be able to: Can recognise and read out a few familiar words and phrases - e.g. |
Chn will be able to: Understand and read out familiar written phrases - e.g. |
Chn will be able to: Understand the main point(s) and some of the detail from short written texts or passages in clear printed script - e.g. |
Chn will be able to: Understand the main points and opinions in written texts from various contexts - e.g. |
my e-pal; a description of someone’s school day |
Writing: |
Chn will be able to: Can write or copy simple words or symbols correctly - e.g. |
Chn will be able to: Can write one or two short sentences to a model and fill in the words on a simple form- e.g. |
Chn will be able to: Write a few short sentences with support using expressions which they have already learnt - e.g. |
Chn will be able to: Write at varying length, for different purposes and audiences, using the variety of grammatical structures that they have learnt |
Write a short text on a familiar topic, adapting language which they have already learnt- e.g.