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Holy Cross Catholic

Primary School

Building relationships with God and each other,
working hard in faith and hope to give our best in all things.

Get in touch

Contact Details

Building relationships with God and each other,
working hard in faith and hope to give our best in all things.

Talking To Us

In order to look at the opportunities provided for them, parents interested in sending their child to the school should contact Mrs Strange, our School Secretary, for an appointment.


All parents have the right to ask for an interview with the Head Teacher, Assistant Head Teacher, SENCO and/or Class Teacher, to discuss the progress of their child and any difficulties which they may be experiencing. It helps if such visits are preceded by a telephone call to arrange an appointment, so that time can be set aside for a meaningful discussion.


Each term there are consultation meetings so that you can discuss your child’s progress with their Class Teacher. A written report is given in the Summer term, summarising their achievements throughout the academic year.


In the Autumn term, parents of children due to transfer to secondary school are invited to a meeting during which information regarding secondary transfer is given and questions can be raised and answered. We also hold other workshops for parents to help them understand what we do in school and  to give parents the opportunity to ask us questions and discuss curriculum issues. We regularly hold workshops on KS1 and KS2 SATs; how we teach phonics and reading; how we teach Maths and problem solving.


Termly Curriculum letters are sent to parents informing them of the curriculum and forthcoming events within the classroom for the term. Newsletters are emailed out every 2-3 weeks to keep you informed of news, dates and events- they are also published on this website.


You are entitled to see your child’s confidential records in the presence of the Head Teacher or Class Teacher. If you wish to make use of this facility, please make an appointment with the Head Teacher.


We also hold regular Coffee Meanings to enable informal chats with various members of  staff; these also provide opportunities for you to meet other parents and sometimes representatives from outside agencies.
